Veronica Kaulinis

 AbOuT Vulnerable AF

Vulnerable AF is an international workshop series and movement that’s dedicated to encouraging vulnerability, intimate, deep, and meaningful conversations in a safe space. When you attend Vulnerable AF, you only will you gain a new perspective on yourself, you will discover a newfound community full of like-minded individuals who desire deeper connections and authenticity.



Veronica shows heart-centered leaders how to be braver so they can courageously and authentically communicate what they want. She's the Founder of Vulnerable AF which is a global movement that encourages vulnerability, expansion, intimate, deep, and thought-provoking conversations in a safe space. Her work is inspired by Authentic Relating, Non-violent Communication, Transformational Development, and Embodiment practices. I’m passionate about connection, collaboration, and community.

Her mission is to expose any negative stigmas of vulnerability. In addition, to bridging the gap between Men and Women so that we mobilize the next generation of thought leaders and change-makers through real connections and straight-up conversations.


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