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I loved the honesty and vulnerability of each of the women in the Vulnerable AF course! Everyone was encouraged to be honest with themselves and to dig deeper than the surface. It was such a safe space to see and be fully seen.

After doing Vulnerable AF, I’m now able to serve myself and my desires in a more authentic way. My life feels lighter after finally removing the things that do not serve me.

-Alexandria Reggio, Entrepreneur & Graphic Designer

Veronica and the Vulnerable AF group coaching program provided me with all the communication and leadership skills to experience my vulnerable and messy conversations with more ease and courage. I'm now able to lean into my mess, my truth, embrace and own it all without guilt and lead myself from there.

Vulnerable AF is about so much more than vulnerability to me... it's about accepting, embracing, and owning who you are, deep down at your core. It's about embracing life and making a mess, celebrating it, and feeling safe within your space. It's about leadership, sisterhood, and showing up for myself. Thank you, Veronica.

- Sabina Mmx, Intuitive Coach & Alchemist

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Before Vulnerable AF, I wasn’t at all conscious of the true power of having vulnerable conversations. A lot of my own desires had been pushed to the back of my mind without me even realizing it until I took this program. I used to feel stuck in bad patterns of communication that didn’t work in my relationships. I used to feel so fearful and ashamed of making a mess

Doing Veronica's program has helped me let go of past shame and feel more courageous by taking risks. It’s showed me how to regain my self-confidence and how to check-in and notice things within myself much more consciously. Now, I trust myself fully, I have the confidence to check in with myself and have authentic conversations. I stopped doubting myself and making decisions that only come from my true desire feels like second nature to me.

-Rachel Millar, Project Manager

In our 1:1 coaching call, Veronica managed to help me open up about deeper sensual & sexual desires I was hiding. At first, I couldn't access those answers within myself, yet through her presence, patience & loving way of pointing out things I seemed to hide, we got to the core together: I desire to be dominated and allow others to have the lead. In and outside the bedroom.

This simple new awareness made me change the ways I connect to others and especially allow myself to voice these desires with courage. Only one week after this initial 1:1 call with Veronica, things have started falling into places that are in alignment with my deeper desires:

– Lovers either stepped up into a leading role or were able to clarify that they couldn't at this moment in time.

– My relationship with my father has shifted. We connect again and that hasn't been this way for years.

– In my business, I am also starting to receive more, even though I'm in the role of a mentor & guide.

Working with Veronica gave me the confidence to voice my desires so I can have exactly what I want to receive has opened many doors for me to actually receive it!

- Jun Fuchs, Alignment Coach

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